

  • tag1 tag2: Search for posts that have tag1 and tag2.
  • ( tag1 ~ tag2 ): Search for posts that have tag1 or tag2. Note: The braces and spaces are important.
  • night~: Fuzzy search for the tag night. Returns results based on the Levenshtein distance.

Excluding Tags

  • -tag1: Search for posts that don't have tag1.
  • ta*1: Search for posts with tags that start with ta and end with 1.


  • rating:questionable: Search for posts that are rated questionable.
  • -rating:questionable: Search for posts that are not rated questionable.

Parent Posts

  • parent:1234: Search for posts that have 1234 as a parent (includes post 1234).

Combining Metatags

  • rating:questionable rating:safe: Combining the same metatags usually does not work.
  • rating:questionable parent:100: You can combine different metatags, however.


  • width:>=1000 height:>1000: Find images with a width ≥ 1000 and a height > 1000.


  • score:>=10: Find images with a score ≥ 10. (Score is updated daily at 12AM CST).


  • sort:updated:desc: Sort posts by their most recently updated order.

Other Sortable Types

  • id
  • score
  • rating
  • user
  • height
  • width
  • parent
  • source
  • updated
    • Can be sorted by both asc (ascending) or desc (descending).